Rory Lewis: Portrait & Headshot Photographer

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Robert Picardo Portrait Sitting: Reflecting on a Captivating Experience

In my journey as a portrait photographer, I’ve had the privilege to capture the essence of many iconic faces. My work, deeply influenced by Renaissance Italian art and Old Master painters like Rembrandt, Caravaggio, and Ribera, seeks to blend classical portraiture with contemporary subjects. This fusion is at the heart of my ongoing project, Selah.

Selah: Inspired by the Hebrew term found in the Book of Psalms, meaning a pause to breathe and reflect, this project aims to capture meditative and dramatic moments in my subjects. The classical influence is ever-present, with inspirations drawn from the intense chiaroscuro and emotional depth of Caravaggio's and Ribera’s works.

In 2025, Selah will be exhibited, showcasing portraits that embody the timeless beauty of classical art infused with modern sensibilities. One of the standout sittings for this project was with the multifaceted Robert Picardo, celebrated for his roles as ‘The Cowboy’ in Innerspace and the iconic Holographic Doctor in Star Trek: Voyager.

Recently, I had the immense pleasure of photographing Robert Picardo at my studio in New York. The sitting was undoubtedly one of my favorites of 2015. Meeting and working with Bob, as he prefers to be called, was a remarkable experience. Having seen him in numerous films and television series, including The 'Burbs and The Wonder Years, it was an honor to have him in front of my lens.

Bob is a natural in front of the camera. After explaining my vision for the Selah series, which involves creating a series of character portraits, Bob effortlessly transitioned from one expression to another, requiring very little direction from me. His ability to assume different personas and convey a wide range of emotions made the session incredibly dynamic and engaging.

Capturing Bob’s portrait was not just about photographing a well-known actor; it was about encapsulating the depth and versatility of his craft. The resulting images reflect a blend of classical portraiture with the unique, charismatic presence that Bob brings to each role he inhabits.

This session further solidifies the essence of Selah, as it continues to evolve and take shape. I am excited to share this journey with you all and look forward to the upcoming exhibition in 2025, where these portraits will find their place among the works inspired by the great masters of the past.

Stay tuned for more updates on Selah and other exciting projects. Your support and appreciation drive my passion to create and capture these timeless moments.