Kevin McNally Portrait Photoshoot London
Kevin McNally Portrait Photoshoot London (Rory Lewis Photographer 2022)
Kevin McNally is an English actor and writer. He is known for portraying Joshamee Gibbs in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. Kevin sat for a portrait photoshoot to be included in my Selah Exhibition at the London studio in Farringdon.
It’s not unusual for photographers to be inspired by other types of art. As you may have noticed their is a great deal of Renaissance Italian influence in my portraiture. Drawing inspiration from the Old Master painters like Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Titian and Ribera. I have attempted to masterfully recreate the light, atmosphere and tones of classical portrait paintings. This is even more apparent in my latest project entitled Selah.
Kevin McNally Portrait Photoshoot London (Rory Lewis Photographer 2022)