Rory Lewis: Portrait & Headshot Photographer

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Notre Dame Rory Lewis (Selah) Guest Lecture April 19th 2023

Notre Dame has asked me to guest lecture at the University on 19th April 2023. I’m looking forward to visiting South Bend, Indiana. My project Selah will take centre stage. I’ll be discussing the religious and fine art inspiration behind the project.

Notre Dame Rory Lewis Guest Lecture 2023.

It’s not unusual for photographers to be inspired by other types of art. As you may have noticed their is a great deal of Renaissance Italian influence in my portraiture. Drawing inspiration from the Old Master painters like Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Titian and Ribera. I have attempted to masterfully recreate the light, atmosphere and tones of classical portrait paintings. This is even more apparent in my latest project entitled Selah.

The Hebrew word selah appears throughout the Book of Psalms. Its precise meaning is mysterious, but it is interpreted as a pause to breathe and reflect. “It has been my aim throughout the project to attempt to recreate meditative religious scenes, directing my subjects to capture the highest moment of drama.”

”Selah has found its foundation’s in counter reformation art. “I have been lost in the work of Ribera. His depictions of saints and religious figures, draw their inspiration directly from Caravaggio’s tenebrism.”

The exhibition features portraits of well known faces including Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen & Dame Judi Dench.