Rory Lewis Photography are proud to sponsor The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiments, Princess Elizabeth Cup. Offering the two winners a Military Portrait Sitting at Rory Lewis London Photography Studio.
The competition serves to find the best turned out soldier and horse - from a field of the most highly polished Service personnel on the planet.
Twelve Troopers of the Life Guards and The Blues and Royals were put under the microscope by a ruthless inspection party.
For weeks prior to forming up for the rigorous test the Service personal toiled for continuous hours to ensure that every minute detail of their uniform and kit was to the highest possible standard. Their equine companions received the same treatment.
While the annual competition is for the chosen few, every single soldier in the regiment is part of the process. The arduous task requires extreme commitment and discipline as well as teamwork and respect for fellow soldiers.
Ahead of the event, now formally known as the Princess Elizabeth Cup but still referred to as The Richmond Cup, every available piece of leather is waxed and shined to a mirror finish, while the horses are washed, groomed and cleaned with the same exacting detail.
HCMR Regimental Colonel Portrait, By Rory Lewis Photographer 2020.