Suzanne Evans Portrait Commission (The Times)

Suzanne Evans, UKIP Brexit Portrait Rory Lewis Photographer (The Times London)

Suzanne Evans, UKIP Brexit Portrait Rory Lewis Photographer (The Times London)

With the imminent referendum on the European Union, I received a call from The London Times, commissioning a portrait of Brexit Spokesperson Suzanne Evans, former deputy leader of UKIP. The image to appear in an article in the Saturday Edition of the Newspaper.

Political Portraiture is a challenging genre to capture. Using inventive scenarios and direction. I opted for a strong yet approachable portrait, which really captures Suzanne’s outgoing and strong beliefs and persona for the article.

Suzanne Evans, UKIP Brexit Portrait Rory Lewis Photographer (The Times London)

Suzanne Evans, UKIP Brexit Portrait Rory Lewis Photographer (The Times London)