This recent portrait of Jordan Patrick Smith is part of my ongoing project, ChronoVisions: An Epochal Fusion, a series that brings the mysterious allure of the Chronovisor into the realm of modern photography. Inspired by an array of artistic icons, including Frank Herbert, Caravaggio, David Lynch, Gustave Dore, and Ribera, this project is an ambitious exploration of historical eras through the lens of contemporary portraiture.
This session with Penny Slinger is just one example of the magic that can unfold when art and portraiture meet, producing images that resonate beyond the moment and celebrate the legacy of true creativity.
This portrait is not the result of AI or any automated process. It's the fruit of a shared vision and a hands-on approach to every minute aspect of photography. It's an invitation to gaze upon history through a modern prism, to appreciate the dialogue between past and future.