Prime Minister Theresa Lady May Portrait Photoshoot (Rory Lewis Photographer London, Los Angeles & New York 2022)
The fourth British Leader of my career. I was recently commissioned to capture a portrait of former Prime Minister Theresa May; who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party from 2016 to 2019. She served as Home Secretary from 2010 to 2016 in the Cameron government and has been the Member of Parliament for Maidenhead in Berkshire since 1997.
I directed Lady May to assume a series contemplative and thoughtful expressions. Theresa was indeed an easy sitter, inquisitive and delightful to work with. These portraits are true to history, as a historian and National Portrait Gallery acquired photographer. Capturing depictions which can be used as historical source material is very important. I’m a realist who aim’s to create a precise and accurate representation keeping every mark every line and capturing my sitter as a neutral object in history.
Prime Minister Theresa Lady May Portrait Photoshoot (Rory Lewis Photographer London, Los Angeles & New York 2022)
Prime Minister Theresa Lady May Portrait Photoshoot (Rory Lewis Photographer London, Los Angeles & New York 2022)